Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I got oil leaking from one of the valve covers on my v6 from the entire gasket?

I had the same problem a few months back and had to change the gasket, which is basically the only choice you will have. If you're asking why it could have happened, the gasket simply deteriorates over time. For most cars I've heard about going through this, it ranges from 75k miles all the way to 190k miles. I guess it depends on the car and lady luck.I got oil leaking from one of the valve covers on my v6 from the entire gasket?
You should add more detail to the question. How old is the car and when was the last time the gasket was changed? but the answer is change the gasket it will stop the leak!I got oil leaking from one of the valve covers on my v6 from the entire gasket?
change out the valve cover gasket and use some RTV sealer.


Good Luck...
replace the gasket
JuSt bUY A NeW GaSkEt aNd a sEalEr
make sure your insurance is up to date and torch it.
fix it

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